Sophos Central Pre-Checks Script

I put this script together to be executed across 3000+ servers globally; it performs a whole bunch of checks for the required internet connectivity, including importing certificates, service states, pending reboots and failure details from previous migration attempts from on premise Sophos to cloud-based Sophos Central. As always, make sure to test on a few... Continue Reading →

Sophos Central Server Lockdown Checks

A little script I put together to be deployed via Casper. The script is a bunch of small checks based on the recommendations of Sophos for customers looking to enable Server Lockdown. The deployment tool looks for return codes so we have $Readiness returned at the end of the script to indicate pass or fail,... Continue Reading →

PowerShell Snippets

  A simple function to test the Tamper Protection state of SEC endpoints, returns a 1 or 0. Function TestTamper() { # "Enabled" should be the only entry in here but just in case we're specifying it $key = Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Sophos\SAVService\TamperProtection\ -Name Enabled return $key.Enabled }   Using NSLookup to test name resolution Just... Continue Reading →

Python: ROT-13 Games

ROT13, or Rotate 13 is a super simple shift cipher where the plaintext character is simply shifted 13 positions along the alphabet whilst maintaining the case, here's a script I put together for an online hacking game, the ciphertext had to be requested via IRC PM (not included in this piece) deciphered and sent back... Continue Reading →

Arduino Rover Tank Project

Originally posted on my blog in 2012 Here's my Arduino tank project I've been tinkering with for a while, this is the Mk1 with a very basic setup, I'll post Mk2 later which has an ultrasonic range finder and remote control to a touch screen project of mine 🙂 Here's a video I made quite... Continue Reading →

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